Try these 3 suggestions if you suffer from seasonal allergies
1. Take a natural anti histamine called Quercetin. Quercetin decreases allergy type cells in your body called mast cells, is a natural anti -inflammatory and helps within 10 days. So start treatment before your symptoms like sneezing and sinus congestion appear. Therapeutic adult dosage of 500 mg take 2 caps 2 x daily. (1)
2. Use a herb called Albizia this plant can help treat all the symptoms of allergies including hay fever, asthma and skin rashes.(2)
3. Avoid Dairy. One of the biggest reasons that dairy products worsen seasonal allergy symptoms is because dairy contains arachidonic acids, which increase the production of leukotrienes. Leukotrienes are like pro-inflammatory markers in the body and can bring on the production of phlegm and mucus, which can worsen the symptoms of allergies.(3)
1. Boots AW, Haenen GR, Bast A. Health effects of quercetin: from antioxidant to nutraceutical. Eur J Pharmacol. 2008;582(2-3):325-37.
2. Bone K, The Ultimate Herbal Compendium. 2007 (12).
3. Preston,C.