There are several foods, herbs and supplements that can be used to inhibit or slow down the 5areductase enzyme activity and decrease or prevent these symptoms.

Both men and women need healthy testosterone levels and as we age these levels can decline. Its best to get your hormones tested but you can use some herbs and foods to help support healthy T levels for good sleep and happy moods in both men and women.
The conversion of testosterone in the body is regulated by an enzyme called 5a reductase to a form of testosterone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
5a Reductase Inhibitors
Testosterone →5a Reductase (Enzyme Conversion) → DHT
When testosterone is converted to DHT it is lowered in the body and can no longer work effectively. This can result in:
Enlarged prostate in men
Hair loss in both men and women
Extra facial hair and acne in women
Depression low mood in both men and women
Sleep disturbances in both men and women