Are you struggling with high cholestrol? Tired of all the tablets?
In this article we introduce you to DNA health testing and how it can aid you in your recovery to good health.
To understand cholestrol, we first need to understand the heart.
Knowing that the blood vessels has only 3 responses to the infinite insults that cause heart disease may help you lower your cholesterol naturally. What causes cardio vascular disease? There are infinite insults that our blood vessel walls have to deal with on a daily basis, bad diets, high blood pressure, bacterial infections or genetics to name a few. Did you know that the body responds in 3 ways to these negative effects? Through the following systems:
Oxidative stress this is how our cells age ageing or “ rusting”
Immune responses is how we regulate our defence and repair
Inflammation responses, how our bodies attempt to repair in response to damage/ injury
This means that if we understand how our bodies are dealing with injury we have a way to try and compliment that particular system. Having high cholesterol becomes a symptom of the bodies attempt to fix injury to the blood vessel wall. Working with the oxidative, immune and inflammation responses can be a powerful prevention protocol for diseases of the blood vessel wall way before they become diseases of the blood vessel lumen. In other words heart disease builds up over time so we can do somethings to prevent this early on if we can.
Firstly start with knowing your particular predispositions, “How is your body responding to the insults we are all exposed to?” “Are your response pathways shunting down all 3 or more down one versus the others?’
By doing a DNA health test we can actually understand with more clarity which of these 3 systems we need to focus on. For example we may need to consider taking additional anti-oxidants in our diets or using extra Vitamin D to regulate the immune response or using anti-inflammatory for inflammation? We can also consider addressing all three. So instead of focusing only on cholesterol lowering medication we look at anti-oxidants, immune regulation and dealing with inflammation through nutritional support diet and lifestyle.
There are ways of testing exactly what type of good vs bad fats are in your blood cholesterol as well as looking at the health of the blood vessels. Make sure you get your blood pressure checked up regularly at least every 3 – 6 months.
If you are interested in a personalised protocol to deal with high cholesterol and heart disease consider a complimentary functional medicine approach including diet and lifestyle advice as well as natural medications to assist in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol.